Saturday, December 8, 2007

How to Make a Cat Bed from an Old Sweater

I haven't tried one of these yet, but I think it's a great idea. Remember you don't HAVE to felt the sweater first, and if you're like me most of my sweaters are all or part acrylic anyway. If you want to see step-by-step photos and a gallery of finished beds click the source link below.

You may want to see the corresponding Wiki How-To site entry for a slightly better tutorial (same general info, but better presentation).

1. After *felting your old wool sweater, lay it out flat. With yarn and a tapestry needle, stitch the seamed edge of the sleeve to the side of the sweater, about half way down the sleeve from where the armpit meets the side seam.(I used contrasting yarn to make the stitches more visible.)
*Note: You don’t have to felt the sweater, but doing so will make the fabric more durable.

2. Fold the bottom edge of the sweater up and place the sleeve in front of it. You want to roll (or fold) the bottom up far enough that both sleeve cuff edges will be able to overlap slightly when place in front of it.

3. Secure the sleeve to the top of the rolled up sweater edge with a whip stitch or a blanket stitch. Remember that you’re going to stuff the sleeves, so be sure to stitch only through the top layer of the sleeve.

4. Repeat with the other sleeve. As the cuffs overlap slightly in front, put one cuff just inside of the other and stitch down the outside cuff edge along the top layer, just enough that you’ll be able to keep the stuffing inside the tube you’ve just created with the sleeves.

5. Now make a running stitch from one “armpit” to the other. Create an arched shape to make a rounder bed. Be sure to go through both layers of sweater fabric. You should now have a “channel” that can be stuffed with batting or old rags (or strips of old sweaters). Stuff until you get a sausage-like ring. If you want to pad the bottom, now is the time to do that as well.

6. Finally, stitch the neck opening closed. Give to your favorite kitty/puppy and consider making another to donate to your local pet shelter. It took more time to post this than to make the bed if that tells you how quick and easy this project is!



JFMDolton said...

By felting do you mean washing the item first? If so I do that with the pool table cloth, as it's a wool/polyester blend and makes lovely coats for my residents!

JFMDolton said...

I just went to the site you provided and viewed the accompanying pix. What a great idea! Plus the added bonus is the cat has your scent on the item!
I made beds out of pool cloth and stuffed them with the styrofoam popcorn chips. They were huge like pet bean bag chairs LOL
At WM you can but a 3' long bag of chopped foam (really soft stuff) which I used for cat beds that I put in the living room bay window, where the cats can lie in warmth and enjoy the outdoor scenery at the same time. I guess I should take a pic eh! Will post it shortly.

JFMDolton said...

Oh Drat! Diane you didn't give us posting rights LOL Of course this is your site!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.